Alexander Martin

Hey, I am Alex. I am an incoming  Ph.D. student at Johns Hopkins University. I am supported by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.

My current research is in the intersection of vision and language. I am interested in understanding videos and documents, especially in large contexts, and distilling knowledge from these large unstructured sources into concise representations.

I currently am working on projects in:

  1. 1. automatic report generation and summarization for language (EKS) and videos (VideoXum)
  2. 2. retrieval and event/argument extraction from videos (and aligned text) (SCALE)
  3. 3. event retrieval and cross-document argument extraction (MegaWika, FAMuS)

Previously in my undergraduate at the University of Rochester, I worked on projects in image generation, video summarization, and event extraction advised by  Jiebo Luo and Aaron White. I also had the opportunity to do some research in mathematics (and still do) with  Clyde Martin.